A Church on Mission
Heritage is a God-centered, great commission congregation. We exist because God is a missional God, on mission to redeem everything to himself. Everything we do, whether as individuals or a corporate body, is missional, intended to glorify God's name and expand God's kingdom throughout the earth. We are a people on-mission, locally, nationally and globally. We recognize, however, that we live locally and can't personally reach the nation or globe 24/7. So we partner with friends and agencies who have the same vision, mission, values, and beliefs that we do. Here are some of the people and ministries that Heritage has partnered with to advance the kingdom of God.
“Look toward heaven, and count the stars, if you are able to count them. So shall your offspring be.”
- Gen. 15:5
Local Ministries
Agape is a trusted, nonprofit pregnancy resource center and state licensed medical clinic serving our communities in Johnson City and the Tri-cities area. Their involvement with community partners allows Agape Women’s Services to provide free lab-grade pregnancy testing, free pregnancy consultations, free STI testing, and free Limited OB ultrasounds.
They strive to offer judgment-free support, resources, mentoring, and evidence-based education to empower individuals to make healthy choices for emotional, physical and spiritual well-being, regarding sexual health, and pregnancy related issues.
First Priority is a student ministry that ministers to student Christian clubs on schools grounds by sending church-approved youth workers to coach them on how to reach their campus for Christ. The success of First Priority begins and ends with the local church. The students, youth pastors & faculty sponsors that partner with them all belong to a local congregation. Once a student receives Christ on campus, they are encouraged to connect to the body of Christ where they can grow in their new faith.
Good Samaritan Ministries provides for the emergency needs of the poor, low income, homeless, individuals/families-at-risk, children, veterans and elderly populations through education, mentoring and social services. "Good Sam" works with individuals and families on long-term solutions for their financial, emotional, and spiritual well being. Sharing the love of Jesus Christ, preventing homelessness, and serving the homeless are their goals. They also seek to work with other community agencies to better meet the needs of the poor and to cut down of the duplication of services and form community partnerships.
Casa de Restauracion is a local Spanish-speaking Baptist congregation that Heritage hosted for some time, and we continue to support them. We are grateful for their partnership in serving and ministering to the hispanic population in the Tri-Cities area.
Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go is owned and operated by Children's Bible Ministries of East Tennessee (CBM).
They exist to share the love of Jesus Christ and the gospel through classes, correspondence lessons, and camping activities.
Foreign Missions
ARA’s vision is to evangelize, disciple, and plant churches among unreached people groups across Northern and Western Africa by mobilizing, equipping, and supporting African believers. North Africa and parts of western Africa are some of the last countries and people groups in the world to receive the Gospel. This is because these places are difficult to get to, difficult to live in, and have increased rates of persecution. Traditionally, missionaries have always been sent from the West to Africa. Now the African church has millions of believers who have been discipled and are more than capable of preaching the Gospel to their African brothers and sisters. ARA assists the African church with mobilization, administration, communication, training, and fundraising help.
Gabriel and Gloria Martinez are presently serving our Lord in a rural region of Bolivia about two and a half hours out from the city of Santa Cruz, sharing God's Word through a ministry focused on the family. God has clearly demonstrated His faithfulness to them time and time again. They are serving with World Gospel Missions. They thank Heritage for their love, prayers, and support throughout their journey!
Dr. Ilie “Elijah” Soritau is the Vice President of Emanuel University of Oradea and professor of Homiletics (Preaching), Evangelism, and Missions. Elijah and his wife, Raelene coordinate the International Relations Department for Emanuel University. Dr. Soritau also pastors Grace Baptist Church in Mierlau, Romania. Elijah's wife, Raelene is the founder of Child Life Romania, an organization that ministers to young children and their families during palliative care.