Children & Youth

Children & Youth

We Aim to Support and Equip Parents

By God's grace, we want to come alongside families to train the hearts of children toward maturity in Jesus Christ. Through each facet of our ministry, we seek to point the next generation to find their joy in Jesus, to be students of God's word, and grow in an ever-increasing delight and maturity in him.

  • Sunday Worship

    Current Curriculum

    Answers Bible Curriculum Logo picturing father, mother, and child in front of an intersecting home and a church
    Curriculum Details

    Check-In Process

    Children may be checked in at the Children's Area. After check-in, children will be guided to the appropriate classroom.

    Safety & Security

    All of our volunteers have passed background checks, and all classrooms, which are behind magnetically locked doors, have windows for accountability. You are welcome to your see your children in a classroom at any time.

    Community Groups

    9 – 10AM

    Nursery (Newborns – 2 yrs)

    Our littlest ones enjoy playing together, hearing a Bible story, singing, and making friends.

    Preschool (3 – 5 yrs)

    As they grow, children are introduced to lessons designed to help them know God and his plan of redemption.

    Elementary (1st – 6th Grade)

    These years are filled with age-appropriate Bible lessons laid out to deepen their understanding of God's Word and continue to point them towards Christ as their Savior and Lord.

    Youth (7th - 12th Grade)

    Our youth classes are separated into guy/girl groups and follow the same curriculum as the adult classes, going deeper into the content of the most recent sermon, asking questions, and finding specific areas for application.

    Congregational Worship Service

    10:30AM – 12PM

    Kids of all ages are welcome in our service. We also offer the following options for the care and instruction of younger children.

    Preschool Worship (3–5 yrs)

    After singing together with the whole congregation, preschoolers are invited (but not required) to dismiss to the Children's Area for special activities designed for their age. We sing together, have play time at the gym or playground, hear a Bible story, and enjoy a light snack. If your child has not been checked in prior to dismissal, we ask that you please accompany them to the Children's Area for check in. After service, children can be picked up in the Children's Area lobby.

    Mothers and Infants Room Nursery (Newborn–2 yrs)

    Current Curriculum

    Curriculum Details

    Truth Quest

    Pre-K – 6th Grade | Wednesdays 6 – 7:30PM

    Pursuing Truth through The Word

    Every part of the night revolves around a story of the Bible. We seek to instill the Christ-exalting narrative of the Bible in the hearts and minds of our children so that they have a firm foundation of truth from which they can grow into maturity.

    Singing the Truth

    Each week begins with a large group gathering where we introduce the question and answer of the week and sings songs that reinforce doctrinal concepts. For example, if the catechism asks What else does Christ’s death redeem? and answers by saying " Christ’s death is the beginning of the redemption and renewal of every part of fallen creation"  then we sing a song such as The Revelation of Jesus Christ.

    Games, Lessons, and Activities

    Kids break up into groups by grade level and then travel to three different stations for games, a lesson that roots the story in the text of Scripture, and a craft or activity that often focuses on how to put these truths into practice.

    0-2 yr. olds | Wednesdays at 6:00PM

    Parents can check in children at 6PM either in the gym or upstairs in the children's area.

    Wednesday Night Dinner

    Location: Next to the Gym

    Because our kids program begins right around the time that parents are leaving work, we want to make it easier for your family to attend by providing dinner. Donations are accepted, but not required.

    Following dinner, be sure to check in your kids at the counter upstairs.


    7th-12 Grade

    Sunday Morning Community Groups

    Most classes gather to discuss and apply sermon material from our worship services. We have classes for the following groups:

    • 7-9 Grade Girls
    • 7-9 Grade Guys
    • 10-12 Grade Girls
    • 10-12 Grade Guys
    • Apologetics Class — this class is open for all youth. There are assignments that students work on before each class. Visitors are welcome, but regular attendees are expected to complete assignments.

    Sunday Evenings

    5PM — Digging Deeper (10-12 grade)

    This class is designed to equip older students to rightly handle the Scriptures so that they can teach it to others. We will be introducing inductive Bible study concepts (e.g. context, themes, etc.) as well as helping students to develop and teach lessons.

    6:30PM — Youth Bible Study (7-12 grade)

    We study through books of the Bible exegetically (deriving meaning from the text) through discussion groups who seek to understand and apply God's Word. Many of these classes are led by older students from our Digging Deeper class.

    7:30PM — Games / Activities (7-12 grade)

    We play a variety of games, including board games, team games, sports, etc.

    8:45PM — Dismissal

    Parents can pick up youth at the multi-center entrance (upper parking lot).

    Wednesday Evenings

    6PM — Youth Bible Study (7-12 grade)

    After the meal, youth help to clean up from dinner for ~30 minutes and at 6:30pm we meet in Room 204 (behind the Sanctuary) for Bible study.

    7:30PM — Games / Activities (7-12 grade)

    Typically, on Wednesday nights we play games in the gym.

    8:45PM — Dismissal

    Parents can pick up youth at the multi-center entrance (upper parking lot).

    Trail Life

    American Heritage Girls

    Christ-Centered Discipleship for
    Boys and Girls

    Tuesdays 6:15 – 8PM

    Trail Life and American Heritage Girls seek to provide mentoring and leadership development for young men and women in a way that engages their hearts and minds and develops their God-given gifts. Though these two groups meet at Heritage, they are made up of children and leaders from many different local congregations, which provides opportunities for strengthening community relationships for kids and parents alike. Parental involvement is highly encouraged as we seek to teach our boys and girls together by example.

    Troop ID: TN0110

    Ages: 5–18

    Cost: Troop dues and organization fees are paid for each child to cover program costs.

    Trail Life contact:

    Joel Miller

    American Heritage Girls contact:

    Teresa Patton

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