Biblical Counseling

Biblical Counseling

What is biblical counseling?

Biblical counseling is a conversational process in which people choose to address life's issues with Scripture in an effort to address the whole person in sanctifying change in an effort to build a life pleasing to God and beneficial to oneself and the world. Biblical counseling differs from other counseling in that it centers on the life, death, resurrection and exaltation of Christ, is founded on the Bible as sufficient for life-guidance in any and all issues and depends on the Holy Spirit for life transformation. It differs from other counseling because it seeks to address the root, heart causes of issues and guide people in whole-person spiritual formation. In biblical counseling, the Bible is the ultimate source and ultimate authority. As such, both the biblical counselor and counselee agree to abide by its teaching.

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Looking for biblical counseling?

Members of Heritage can reach out at any time

If you are a member of Heritage Baptist Church and would like to start meeting with a biblical counselor, then simply fill out a brief form that will help us get you connected to an appropriate counselor.

If you need to speak to someone urgently, please contact our church office to get connected to one of our pastors: (423) 926-2139.

Get started with biblical counseling

More about biblical counseling at Heritage Baptist Church

As Kenza Haddock, President of Oceanic Counseling Group LLC has noted, "One key distinction between biblical counseling and Christian counseling lies in the scope of their application. A biblical counselor relies on God's word as the ultimate authority and source of counsel. To help people navigate life's challenges, counselors may examine biblical narratives, principles, and teachings. The goal of biblical counseling is to encourage spiritual transformation and align beliefs and actions with biblical principles... [whereas]... the role of a Christian counselor is to merge clinically proven evidence-based practices with Christian beliefs and values, while keeping professional ethical standards in mind."

A key verse in biblical counseling is 2 Timothy 3:16 which states, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God [God's people] may be complete, equipped for every good work."

For a more in-depth look at biblical counseling, see The Confessional Statement of the Biblical Counseling Coalition.

Who Counsels?

Biblical counselors are members of Heritage Baptist Church who are trained in biblical counseling. Male biblical counselors meet with male counselees. Female biblical counselors meet with female counselors. Either a male or female may offer biblical counseling to a couple or minor (whose parents must sign a consent form.)

What Does Biblical Counseling Cost?

Heritage invests in biblical counseling because we assume a Trinitarian theology that motivates us to offer counseling as the members of the church encourage one another, and others, in the power and wonder of a Christian worldview. For that reason, no financial fee is associated with our biblical counseling.

Where Does Biblical Counseling Transpire?

Heritage provides meeting spaces on the church property for biblical counseling.

When Can Biblical Counseling Happen?

Biblical counseling can occur when the counselor and counselee are available.

How Long Does Each Biblical Counseling Appointment Last?

Biblical counseling sessions normally last for an hour each week. The number of sessions are agreed upon by the biblical counselor and the counselee.

Is My Confidentiality Maintained?

While counselors intend to guard the information received from counselees, there are a number of situations when it may be necessary or prudent for a counselor to share information with others. Specific examples are outlined in our consent to counsel form, and will be clearly outlined and discussed prior to counseling.

Am I Assigned Homework?

One's personal investment in biblical counseling is key to life transformation. Reading, meditating on and applying the Bible is essential. For this reason, the biblical counselor will assign homework that should be completed between sessions. This enables counselees to "work out your own salvation" (Philippians 2:12), resist worldly conformity and "renew your mind," thus living in the "good and perfect" will of God (Romans 12:2).

How Do I Begin?

The biblical counseling process begins when you schedule an appointment with a counselor. If you would like to proceed, please complete and submit our interest form.

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