I’m not sure which comes first every morning, the Muslim call to prayer or the rooster. They’re almost simultaneous. But the call to prayer eventually stops and the rooster crows all day. Billions of people around the world hear one, the other, or both every morning of their lives.
But in the midst of this Muslim dominated world and in some countries where Christianity is outlawed by the constitution, this small Christian mission organization is thriving. Two years ago they had 60 indigenous missionaries in 5 African countries. As of today, they are employing over 130 African missionaries who are carrying the gospel to 14 African countries, “to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8) you might say. It’s a 10/40 window dream come true.
Teana and I are here to participate in the third step of their four-pronged strategy to reach Africa: ongoing education. Team leaders representing those 14 countries have gathered to learn shepherd leadership for their various teams. Last year I taught the principles of Jesus’s shepherding heart in the 23rd Psalm at Heritage and those 7 sermons have become one of the sessions I’m teaching here; along with Ez 34, all four Gospels, John 10 and 1 Peter 5. “How’s it going?” you might ask. Well, try teaching shepherd leadership to men who are literal shepherds.
Take S for instance. As a desert shepherd in a country that regularly imprisons and kills Christians, he had a compelling dream about the real God. This prompted him to ask his fellow shepherds and villagers if they knew of any Christians. Just to ask the question was dangerous. Someone told him they heard of a Christian in another village, two days walk away. And so S trekked two days in the hope the rumor was true. By God’s grace it was and he trusted Jesus as his Savior. Now, he’s shepherding God’s flock as a team leader of missionaries who evangelize, begin Bible studies that become house fellowships. Once elders and deacons are established and the fellowship is receiving offerings, baptizing new converts and celebrating communion, it becomes a church. At that point, the missionary moves on to another village. It’s an incredible vision and a successful strategy.
If you’re a member of Heritage, God is using your prayers and funding to make it happen. As Teana and I have brought greetings from you, these African brothers and sisters send greetings and gratitude to you. In this life we will never meet every convert of this ministry, but one day we will stand together before God’s throne and sing, “Worthy are you…for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Rev 5:9).
PS. There are no pictures today. It’s literally too dangerous. One man in this ministry has been jailed 12 times. His response, “Thank God no single imprisonment was longer than six months.” BTW, in one prison specifically created for extremists, they eventually had to put him in solitary confinement because he would not stop telling Muslim terrorists about Jesus.
- Reggie Weems